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let's be still

a 6-session Christian meditation group

Let’s Be Still is a six-session course on Christian meditation for those who want to go deeper in their prayer and discover the richness of contemplative prayer within the Catholic tradition. Participants will learn in a group setting how to quiet their minds and be still, so as to respond to God’s indwelling presence within.


Let’s Be Still is based on teachings from great teachers of meditation and the Catholic mystical tradition. Ellie provides a personal touch with her original music, personal experiences, and educational expertise of over 25 years.


In this busy, overstimulating world, stillness and silence do not come naturally to most. Prayer and meditation are not simple to practice. Let’s practice together. Let’s be still.

“In meditation we are not doing, talking, or making anything happen.  Rather than doing, we are being.  And by being, the way is found into the mystery.”               - FR. LAURENCE FREEMAN: THE SELFLESS SELF


recommended setting

  • Parish meeting rooms/chapel/church

  • Town centers like libraries or senior centers

  • College campus ministry office


Suggested donation of $75 for each individual session, or a total of $375 for all 6 sessions.

who should attend

Parishioners, college students, and other individuals who are interested in learning how to create the habit of Christian meditation in everyday life.


6 one-hour meetings, weekly or bi-monthly depending on preferences

integrating music

Music is a beautiful way to create a prayerful setting for meditation and opens the heart to God’s loving presence.


Through the years, the Lord has inspired me to compose songs as an expression of my love for Him. I share these songs during meditations, retreats, and workshops, in the hope that my music can serve as a catalyst to help others experience the depth of God’s love through prayer and meditation.


Although I have defined logistics for each program that I offer, please keep in mind that I am dedicated to working with you to develop a Christian meditation program that is best suited for your community. I am happy to discuss with you how we can customize a program to fit your needs. My priority is simply to help you share the gift of Christian meditation with your community.


Questions for me? Please feel free to reach out at any time.




Meditation programs to  rejuvenate your community's faith experience, foster self-awareness, and deepen relationships with God and others.


213.369.5650 |  | 

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​© 2018 by Ellie Ragonese Prayer & Music Ministry. Designed by Nina Ragonese.

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